Latest Stuff
Last Update: 03 October 2001
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We all had our own unique style. Here are some examples:
Camilla the ballerina
Craig showing his style...
Harry Styling
Bug's "Old-man" pose
We chose up sides and waged war on eachother. It got quite close at times - especially with Harry on one side and Frikkie-do on the other.
The Clash of the Titans (Harry and Simon)
Stu and Bugs battling it out
Dale's 4 stikes in a row!!!
It was close at the end, but Harry rolled the winning ball to cause a bit of a celebration.
Here are all the boys after all hard day at the alley - Check out Lebowski in front...
Bugs thought it necessary to show off his Balls again...
And Harry was attacked later that afternoon by a great white...
Archived pages:
04 October 2000 (Weekend with the Robbies)
24 October 2000 (Surf contest in Bournemouth)
20 November 2000 (Indoor Snowboarding)
Christmas 2000 in Switzerland
Bowling in London with the Boys from Slummies
Our Trip to Turkey - 2002
Round the world trip 2001-2002
Trip to Lohifushi - Maldives